Fully Loved, Fully Alive! John 17:23

Getting married? Congratulations! Please allow us to serve you on one of the best days of your life. Our wedding services are professionally rendered with you in mind. Whereas we will provide you a Christian ceremony, we are flexible so that what happens on your special day is what you have in mind. Let us know if you need help writing wedding vows or any other details involved in making certain that the day goes according to plan.
If you are headed to the altar, the best investment you can make is premarital counseling. Premarital counseling will give you and your spouse-to-be the foundation needed to enjoy a lasting, healthy marriage. We use the Prepare Enrich inventory in our premarital counseling, a research based tool proven to be extremely effective in promoting dialogue that newlywed couples describe as very helpful and very meaningful. Premarital sessions can be arranged to fit your schedule as well as your budget. If your date is coming up soon, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Marriage is a great example of how easily the very best that life has to offer and life’s greatest disappointments can coexist ever so closely near one another. A healthy marriage is one of the greatest relational experiences two people can have. Yet, many couples, including Christians, are not experiencing the joy and fulfillment that marriage was created to provide. In fact, often times their experience is totally opposite. But we believe that far too many couples are close, even closer than they realize, to experiencing the joy and closeness that is associated with marriage. Sometimes they just need the wisdom, insight, and compassion of a trusted friend. That’s what we offer in our marriage counseling, a wise and trustworthy confidant. Since we have personally experienced brokenness, disappointment and discouragement in our own relationship, you won’t have to worry about feeling as if you’ve failed or like you’re being judged. If you know things are not right in your marriage and you want to make them right but you need help, please do not hesitate to contact us.