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Writer's pictureCraig & Kathy Young


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28,

Earlier last week, I listened to Michael Todd from Transformation Church preach a sermon titled, “I Know It, Even When I Don’t Feel It/Stronger (Part 4). As I listened to him pour his heart out, I felt like I was replaying one of the toughest seasons in my marriage. After one year of marriage, our pastor, Allen McClinton and his wife Montein invited us to their house for dinner. Of course, we agreed to a free meal with two people who we admired. At the end of dinner, they asked us to lead the new Marriage Ministry at our church. I can’t speak for Craig but for me, I thought they were out of their minds! How could Craig and I lead couples??? It wasn’t the lack of experience that flooded my mind; it was the season we were in. Our marriage was not in a good place. In fact, it was in an awful place. I felt like we argued over the simplest things and intimacy was close to nonexistence. I just wasn’t feeling Craig and I had my list of why’s. I was embarrassed they asked us this. But since I did not want to disappoint the Pastor and First Lady, I agreed.

Little did I know that this decision would change the course of my life, and even more than that, the course of our marriage. One of the first events we started was a couple’s small group. As we began preparing to facilitate the small group study with other couples, God began to pursue my heart. My time in God’s Word, challenged me to respond and react to Craig based upon HIS Word, even when I did not feel it. God was teaching me to acknowledge my feelings but to not let them lead me. HIS word is my leader. I have learned over our many years of marriage, that God’s faithfulness is true. In my life, I have seen HIM work situations for my good. Many times when I didn’t feel like apologizing or feel like speaking first or feel like being helpful towards Craig, God challenged me and continues to challenge me to respond out of my relationship towards HIM. The HIM is Christ not Craig. HE has strengthen our relationship.

Romans 8:28 reminds me that I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. Michael Todd pointed out, “The majority of our Christian lives, we will have to work on what we know and not what we feel.” To this, I say, “amen.”

My encouragement to you is to do the things that God is asking from you. Acknowledging your feelings are important but don’t let them be the leader in your life. Let Christ be the leader. HE will be faithful to keep His promises. HE has done this for me over and over again. I know HE will do it for you. As you spend time with HIM this week, what do you know HE is asking you to do in your marriage relationship? Do it even if you don’t feel it. It will make you and your marriage stronger.

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